There are always different interpretation of things.Does that mean take one which suits your needs and question the uniqueness , identity of the existence and ask for change ? Some people tend to take advantage of it to guide their ambitions,fulfillment of their dreams.Is it a dream of bringing change in country certainly not ;but dreams of getting into limelight ,dream of boosting their egos,dream of power .. so on.If your parents represent criminalism,will you change your parents ?I think no..I wonder if there is really any support from the public except from loyalists and paid goons who seems to call bandh at their will.
Well big thanks!! to festivals that have eased the frequent bandhs for sometime now.There is absolutely no interest over this issue in public and rightly so ,as it has no significance to them where daily living is the norm.Youths who could have some interests are out in foreign land .New Nepal and government brought
hopes of better lives ,security and developments but have resulted in no consensus over insignificant issues for almost three months now;playing musical chairs among themselves .
Will change of flag bring change over corruptocracy existence,change in their attitude ,change in their ambition ,change in dreams ,change in vision?
These are simple questions with bigger picture for the people ,future of Nepal and if "Yes " thumbs up to the change or else merely changing clothes will not change the person;it will just change the outlook . Tweet